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Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

The Statute

ENEA's Statute was approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Law and Legislative Decree No. 218/2016 implementing the so-called "Madia Law" No. 124/2015, which recognizes the Agency's full statutory and regulatory autonomy, providing for its adaptation while also taking into account the European Charter for Researchers and without prejudice to the special provisions relating to the Agency for what is not expressly provided for.
In effect since March 2017, it has been updated over the years, and most recently, revised at the 17th meeting on June 20, 2022 pursuant to Decree-Law No. 36 of April 30, 2022, converted into Law No. 79 of June 29, 2022. The Statute consists of 16 articles, the first three of which define the legal system of the Agency as a national public research body endowed with scientific, statutory, regulatory, financial, organizational, patrimonial, and accounting autonomy and identify its institutional purposes and activities; Articles 4 through 8 define the institutional system divided into four bodies President, Board of Directors, Board of Auditors, and the Technical-Scientific Council. The new Article 9 introduces the figure of the Director/Director General established pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 2 of the aforementioned Decree-Law.
The President only performs the functions of legal and institutional representation of ENEA. ; the Board of Directors is the political-administrative body that exercises the powers of strategic planning and control. the Board of Auditors oversees compliance with the provisions of the law, regulations and statutes; The Technical-Scientific Council is a body with propositional and advisory functions on ENEA's research activities.
The Director/Director General is responsible for the management of ENEA, sees to the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors and the measures of the President.
Subsequent rules regulate publicity, transparency, incompatibility and incompatibility (Art. 10), organizational principles (Art. 11), tools, (Art. 12), financial resources (Art. 13), and personnel (Art. 14); Art. 15 specifies the methods of guidance, supervision and control by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and the controls of the Court of Auditors while Art. 16 introduces some transitional and final rules.

PUBLISHED: 24/07/2017

UPDATED: 25/01/2022


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
00196 ROMA Italia
Partita IVA 00985801000
Codice Fiscale 01320740580


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Tel. +39 06-36271

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