Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Director General

Giorgio Graditi

Ing. Giorgio Graditi

ENEA - Headquarters
Lungotevere Thaon Di Revel, 76
00196 Rome
Tel. +39 06.3627 2229 - 2366 - 2466
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Role and responsibilities

The Director General is responsible for the management of ENEA and the role of supervising and coordinating the Agency's activities/resources, ensuring the objectives related to its mission and defining its strategies. The Director General also ensures the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors and of the directives of the Chair, and attends the meetings of the Board of Directors without voting rights.


Oversee and coordinate the preparation of the documents to be submitted to the Board of Directors such as budgets and general accounts, planning documents, and the three-year programme of staffing needs.

Assign the functions of the managers in accordance with the comparative and competitive procedures in force.

Provide for the assignment of functions to the heads of the other non-management structures that report directly to the Director General's office.

Ensure the implementation of the plans, programmes and guidelines of the Board of Directors and assign tasks and responsibilities for specific projects and management to the managers. Define the objectives to be pursued by the managers and assign the resulting human, financial and material resources.

Carry out the actions of management and exercise the relevant powers of collection and spending, without prejudice to the powers of the managers of the management structures.

Assign one or more ENEA managers delegated powers for their own functions or in the event of their declared absence or impediment.

Ensure the coordination of the structures with regard to the pursuit of institutional aims, including by making use of bodies that coordinate the management structures.

Submit proposals and express opinions to the Chair.

Without prejudice to the regulations set out in Article 10 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 218 of 25 November 2016, oversee the adoption of the measures set out in Italian Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, proposing to the Chair the measures set out in Article 162 of said decree, as amended.

Direct, coordinate and control the activities of the managers and of the persons in charge of administrative procedures, including with power of substitution in the event of inaction, and proposing to the Board of Directors the adoption of the measures against managers envisaged in Article 21 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 165 of 30 March 2001.

File and defend against litigation with the power to reconcile and settle disputes subject to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 1, of Italian Law no. 103 of 3 April 1979.

Respond to the findings of supervisory bodies with respect to matters within their purview.

Carry out the activities of organising and managing personnel and union and labour relations.

Perform any other administrative function not expressly assigned to the management structures.

Exercise all other rights and responsibilities envisaged by law and regulations, as well as those necessary for the management of ENEA.

Normative requirements

Resolution no. 89/2022/CA of 29 November 2022
Appointment of the General Director by the ENEA Board of Directors

Provision no. 75/2023/PRES of 24 February 2023
Assignment of the role of Director General of ENEA to Eng. Giorgio Graditi starting from 1 March 2023

Deputy Director General

Ensures the achievement of the objectives related to the mission of the Function by exercising powers of organisation and management for the optimal use of financial and material resources.

PUBBLICATO IL: 02/03/2011

AGGIORNATO IL: 10/07/2023


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
00196 ROMA Italia
Partita IVA 00985801000
Codice Fiscale 01320740580


ENEA Headquarters
Tel. +39 06-36271

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