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Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development


The ordinary state funding (€143.8 million in 2016) currently covers  half (53.7%) of the Agency's costs approximately. Other financial contributions come from different sources of income grown over time so as to  reach 50% in 2016.

The 2017-2019 Three-Year Plan must include economic results on which depend the realisation of ENEA's growth target to achieve dimensional standards that are commensurate with its role. Nonetheless, scientific results are also important since they create the foundation for ENEA's future ability to propose itself as a research organisation able to work effectively with administrations and companies for the country's development.

To increase services in quantitative and qualitative terms, the lines of activity with the best prospects for development are expected to be reinforced (by reducing or closing down those no longer in demand) and new programmes and functions launched that correspond to emerging needs.

PUBLISHED: 31/10/2017

UPDATED: 20/02/2018


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
00196 ROMA Italia
Partita IVA 00985801000
Codice Fiscale 01320740580


ENEA Headquarters
Tel. +39 06-36271

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