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Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development


nato project

Title: Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies

Acronym: BioPhyMeTRE

Project duration: 22 April 2020 to 22 December 2023

Funding: Nato Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme

The project entitled “Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies” (BioPhyMeTRE) is funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.

As the result of large scale radiological or nuclear (R/N) emergencies, a considerable number of individuals can receive a range of radiation doses spanning from background levels to those large enough to cause medical consequences.

At this time, efficient and reliable triage of casualties, using biological, physical and clinical endpoints, able to rapidly identify individuals suspected of over-exposure to life-threatening doses, is urgently needed, as the immediate assessment of the absorbed dose allows to identify individuals who need urgent medical intervention.

The BioPhyMeTRE Project focuses on innovative biological and physical methods allowing a rapid screening/triage of potential overexposed individuals in case of radiological and nuclear emergencies, by using inexpensive and user-friendly analytical procedures and devices.

The novel biological protocol combines the two most standardised cytogenetic dosimetry methods (the dicentric chromosome assay and the micronucleus test) into a single one, while the physical dosimetry method involves the use of a low cost, portable mini photo-luminescence reader for the individual dose assessment by using personal objects.

The project is coordinated by ENEA and involves the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology (IRSE) of National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan, the National Health Institute (ISS) of Italy and the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI) of Croatia.

PUBLISHED: 20/06/2023


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

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