Thematic sites
ENEA, following the indications of Directive 8/09 of the Minister for Public Administration and the Guidelines for PA Websites, has implemented a series of actions aimed at reducing the number of thematic sites and improving the quality of services and information provided online. The process involves taking a census of all thematic sites created, assessing the persistence of the minimum conditions of usefulness and the state of updating, decommissioning obsolete sites, and retrieving the information that is still valid and transferring it to the institutional site or dedicated thematic sites.
Work is in progress on the redevelopment of some formerly independent websites and/or to the creation of new sites within the ENEA institutional site also in view of the recent organizational streamlining of the Agency.
- Department for Sustainability
- Air Quality Models Gateway
- VALUE CE-IN VALUE CE-IN VALorizzazione di acque reflUE e fanghi in ottica di economia CircolarE e simbiosi INdustriale
Energy Technologies
Fusion and Technology for Nuclear Safety and Security
Energy Efficiency
Innovation and Development
- Innovation and Development Directorate
- Knowledge Exchange Program
- Atlas of Technological Innovation
- Electric System Research
- LAEROSPAZIO the portal of connections between universities and research centers in the aerospace sector
- Enterprise Europe Netwok
Research Centres and laboratories
- Bologna Research Centre
- Brasimone Research Centre
- Brindisi Research Centre
- Casaccia Research Centre
- Frascati Research Centre
- Portici Research Centre
- Saluggia Research Centre
- Santa Teresa Research Centre
- Trisaia Research Centre
- Faenza Materials technology laboratory
- Ispra research laboratory
- Lampedusa Research Laboratories
- ENEA Liaison Office in Brussels
- ENEA press releases and news
- ENEAinform@: Energy, innovation, the environment and sustainable development at the focus of the new ENEA newsletter
- ENEA Channel
- Publications
- Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione: three-monthly technical and scientific magazine published by ENEA.
- Events
PUBLISHED: 11/07/2017
UPDATED: 03/03/2023