Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Strategic Initiatives

ENEA participates in several EU strategic initiatives that are leading-edge for the Agency’s activities:

AAL is a European research program, based on Article 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, launched in 2008 and lasting until 2013. AAL is focused on research on innovative technologies to assist the elderly at home. The areas involved are telecommunications, computing, nanotechnology, microsystems, robotics and new materials.

The purpose of the programme is the development and use of new technologies to allow elderly and disabled people to live comfortably at home, improving their autonomy, facilitating daily activities, ensuring better security, monitoring and treating sick people. This could avoid, in many cases, admission to hospitals or retirement homes, allowing a better quality of life and savings for the community.

The total cost of the program is € 700 million for 7 years, 25% of which from the Union, 25% from Member States and 50% paid by firms.

The European Commission’s contribution amounts to a total of € 150 million. AAL Member States grant funding to their participants, only if they are successful project partners, according to national provisions. Italy has allocated € 2.5 million per year, with funds provided by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The AAL projects are coordinated by an expert from ENEA.

PUBLISHED: 31/05/2012

UPDATED: 31/03/2020


Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
00196 ROMA Italia
Partita IVA 00985801000
Codice Fiscale 01320740580


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Tel. +39 06-36271

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